Graham Leslie McCallum

The tree of happiness flowers and fruits most abundantly for the creative man

4000 Flower and Plant Motifs

4000 Flower and Plant Motifs, Cover

4000 Flower and Plant Motifs was my first book. It developed from the large number of designs and motifs I had accumulated over many years. It has been superseded by 5000 Flower and Plant Motifs, which is a new edition of 4000 Flower and Plant Motifs, but with a thousand odd additional designs and motifs.
4000 Flower and Plant Motifs has been published in English, French, German, Russian and Japanese (see below).

4000 Flower and Plant Motifs, Russian4000 Motifs De Fleurs et de Plantes, Graham Leslie McCallum

Motifs de Fleurs et Plantes, 4000 Flower and Plant Motifs4000 Flower and Plant Motifs, Japanese


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